Past Exhibitions

November 5, 2016 - January 7, 2017

TIMELINE: Celebrating the Narrows

An exhibition that tells the story of a visionary with great dreams and the camaraderie and tenacity of the many hard-working volunteers who helped and help make the dream come true. From the first open-mic performance told out concerts featuringme

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September 9, 2016 - October 29, 2016
Reception: September 17, 2016 at 1477749600

Michele L'Heureux: All Who Wander

“The traveler is the journey. What we see is not what we see but who we are.” ― Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet Inspired by a recent seven-month sabbatical in Lisbon, Portugal and by a multitude of travels across the Atlantic Ocean and throughout

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July 22, 2016 - August 27, 2016
Reception: July 27, 2016 at 1472317200

6 Women Artists: The Frame of Influence

Through memory, exposure to art in museums, private homes and arts education artists are inspired and influenced by the work of other artists. Additionally, discoveries made throughout the life of an artist have much to do with shaping their sensibility

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July 9, 2016 - August 19, 2016

Interpretations of Light and Space in Watercolor

I find a watercolor work coming into focus through sheerayers ofiquid color drying and merging with thirsty paper a very affirming experience. From the initial pencil drawing, wire-like armature in nature, to the fleshed out structure of color delineating

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June 3, 2016 - July 15, 2016
Reception: June 11, 2016 at 1469797200

Experimental Nature

The urge to document our surroundings dates back to the cave paintings of primitive beings. As artists, each of us interprets the world in a different way, whether realistic, stylized, fantastic or even surreal. A natural surrounding can be transformed

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April 22, 2016 - June 7, 2016
Reception: May 7, 2016 at 1465390800

Dirty City

Dirty City is a multimedia art show displaying the works of Morton Middle School’s talented 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The show will consist of photography, fashion, and other assorted mediums that come together to raise awareness of litter

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April 16, 2016 - May 27, 2016
Reception: April 16, 2016 at 1468324800

A Determined Line

A Determined Line brings together five artists whose diverse mediums, methods of working and artistic output mesh and complement to create a synergistic exhibition. Representing drawing, painting, sculpture, and installation, artists Heather Bentz, Alyn

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February 26, 2016 - April 8, 2016
Reception: March 12, 2016 at 1460120400

A Passion to Print: Artists of 7 Suns Printmaking

This exhibition is about five printmakers demonstrating their skills in a joint exhibition. Whatever technique is used, a keypoint about the prints in this show is that each one is produced by hand. Original prints are not reproductions, they are original

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December 24, 2015 - February 19, 2016
Reception: September 21, 2024 at -62169984000

Anonymous Among Us

Anonymous Among Us: Images from a New England Potter’s Field This exhibition is from a photo essay featuring numbered paupers’ grave markers in Taunton, MA. This project is funded in part by a grant from the Taunton Cultural Council. One

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